Okay orientation has finished...it's time to start working for the government. A whole lot of us are still clueless as to what they want to do after service and ish.... Some are probably thinking hard if what they want to do, why they studied what they studied, what to use their certificates for and all... Its allowed. Don't crucify yourself. Just admit it! you are clueless! What is the next step after admitting you are clueless! Think about this... Would you like to work for someone? would you like to be your own boss? Do you have an answer to those questions? If yes perfect! If no.... it's not the end of the world. I read somewhere " don't look for a job look for a mentor". Find a boss that will help you develop both professionally and as a person. Find those managers who grow people. You'll know it when you see it. They will remind you of that high school coach or college professor who took interest in developing you, not just your jump shot or grade point average. Next do anything. Don't get hung up on the job description or title or even salary. If you've found a great mentor, don't overthink it. And if you're talented, you'll find that your job will change quickly and often. So who cares if you're a Marketing Associate or Marketing Coordinator? Remember that you are clueless. Most of the work you'll be doing will not be sexy. But it will matter. You will learn and before you know it, you won't be so clueless anymore. Don't follow your passion. Find your passion. This one sounds cliché and that's because it is cliché. In fact, I think it's optional as you start your career journey. Passion usually develops over time after you've figured out what you're good at, among other things. However, once you've found that mentor and have begun learning, start searching for the type of work that excites you. Its not about wearing smart suits, driving the most expensive cars and ish... Most of these people started just like you. Not everyone has it all figured out after school....
I wish you all the best as you begin your search...
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