Friday, 13 December 2013

Beyoncé releases surprise 'visual album' on iTunes With no promotion and Nigerian author featured!!

Yeah! we know she is a boss..Beyonce the first i have heard of in the history of entertainment that releases an album without (Any) promotion.. .. Beyonce the definitely independent lady released her14 songs visual album exclusively on iTunes and also 17 videos to back it up! OMG! Isn't she a boss.. And yes just what you're thinking! It's already getting the publicity that wasn't done for free! Also she features Chiamanda Ngozi Adichie on her track Flawless. The author who wrote the hugely successful Half of a Yellow sun novel,now a motion picture has her speech  about feminism and the roles women play in the society in the track..

The album, titled simply Beyoncé, is an iTunes exclusive and costs £12.99 in the UK(WHAT??). Individual songs will be available for download on 20 December, but it shows just how much clout Apple has with the music industry now that there will be no CD or DVD version and, presumably, no way of purchasing
the album on rival sites, such as Amazon.
The seventeen videos included are full pop vids for each track, with a couple of remixes added for good measure.
"I see music. It’s more than just what I hear," said the singer.
"When I’m connected to something, I immediately see a visual or a series of images that are tied to a feeling or an emotion, a memory from my childhood, thoughts about life, my dreams or my fantasies. And they’re all connected to the music."
Who is as excited as i am to listen to it...

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