Sunday, 10 February 2013

Super Eagles would beat Burkina Faso silly on sunday-T.B Joshua. (Sunday is Here)

Temitope Balogun Joshua, a pastor and founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations is a mystery man. To some persons, he was send by God to Nigeria as a messiah. Whatever this means, most fanatical Christians may not agree with these persons here.
However, others see this Joshua of a man as a devil incarnate, a voodoo doctor-turned-pastor or even a fake prophet. Only God knows those who are truly serving him.
But, hate him or like him, you cannot take away the fact that the SCAN founder practices what he preaches. He may not be 100% perfect. Nobody is, really.
But, there are a thousand and one pastors out there who are more interested in their pockets than preaching and practicing the gospel of Jesus, the Christ.
Away from this stale preamble on the man. I read that Joshua predicted that our dear Super Eagles will beat Bukina Faso silly, during the final African cup match coming up in some hours from now.
In Nigeria, the only issue that unites us more than 95% is football. Some Nigerians are so fanatical about this leather game that they could do and undo to support and defend their favorite team. It is really not limited to our country alone. It is a global issue.
Football is dicey and on the gambling side. It is a very sensitive and emotional game that could either bring out the best or worse in most football fans.
So, the prediction of Joshua should come to pass, or else the media and his many critics will call him all sorts on unprintable names. As they have always done in the past. Sunday is already here. So, let us keep our fingers cross.

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