Wednesday, 23 October 2013

"Matters Of The Heart': What Do Guys Really Want To Hear? See - - - > The words that turn men ON


Have you ever found yourself tongue-tied when you're with a guy you secretly liked?
Have you ever said something stupid and embarrassing to a guy you had feelings for?
Have you ever turned a guy off with a poorly-thought statement or conversation? It's embarrassing, frustrating, and enough to make you regret it for days! If you have the tendency to make these mistakes, don't worry. It happens to the best of us. But here's the thing: I can help you change from a nervous, jittery little girl into a super-confident, witty, and sultry conversationalist.
 First off, let me tell you about:
The Words That Turn Men Off

The following may seem harmless, but done carelessly and continuously, they can turn men off BIG TIME...
Mistake #1 - Talking about yourself too much.

Talking about yourself, how your day went, your opinion on certain issues... normally, these are harmless. But when you do it habitually and without warning, it can grate on a guy's nerves! Stay safe, and talk about yourself only when he asks.

 Mistake #2 - Ranting too much.

Most guys can handle a little ranting from the women they're with. But do it habitually, and they'll want
nothing else but get away from you. Instead of ranting about your problems, ask him for his opinion on them. If he cares about you, he just might give you a great solution. Win-win!

 Mistake #3 - Gossip.

Here's something to keep in mind - when you gossip a lot, the men in your life will start wondering what you say about THEM when they're not around. My advice? Don't gossip about anyone unless you want to help them out!

The Words That Turn Men ON

To get you started, let me teach you the three most basic "levels" of what men want to hear:

 Level #1: Happiness.
 This one's a no-brainer, right? When it comes down to it, no guy wants to hang out with a sad, unhappy, or depressed woman. Even your best guy friend would get tired of it eventually. So first things first: Choose to be happy. It all starts with you. Don't believe happiness is a choice? Just plaster a goofy smile on your face for two full minutes and see if it doesn't lift your mood. Once you've gotten good at being a happy person to talk to, it opens the doors to the second level:

 Level #2: Fun.
 Only happy women can make the jump to becoming "fun"women, too. At this level, you can easily tell great stories, crack hilarious jokes, and simply be what the guys call a "cool girl." They say "the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach." I say the second-best way is through his funny bone. So become happy, then become fun, so that you'll eventually become:

 Level #3: Sultry.
Imagine two guys. They both like you, they both treat you genially and respectfully, and they're both fun to be with. The only difference: One of them talks to you like a friend... and the other talks to you like Casanova.
Who would you choose? Without a doubt, you'll go with the sultrier one. There's something irresistible about a guy who has dignity and integrity... but can also say the words that turn you on. Right?
Guys love that too! 

Guys are INSTANTLY turned on by a woman who's smart, confident, independent, happy, and fun to be with... but can also turn them on and talk dirty, even jokingly.
Imagine you meet a great new guy, and after 5 minutes of chatting, you swap numbers. When you hand him your number, what do you say? "Call me anytime!" is okay, but it's bordering on needy. "Thanks!" is good, but too safe to be interesting. But when you wink at him and say: "Do your worst!" Ahh... now THAT'S sultry! You didn't say anything dirty, and you didn't even need to imply it. But you instantly made him think of sexy, sultry scenarios with you... such as, in this case, having a sexy phone conversation. 
Words like that drive men CRAZY with attraction! Here's another example you might want to try out: If
you're a boss, a freelancer, or even just the supervisor of your department... and a guy you like asks you what you do for a living... tell him, while looking straight into his eyes: "I'm in charge of a department/company/business. I like being on top." Same thing. You didn't say anything dirty, and you didn't necessarily imply anything naughty... but it instantly makes him think of YOU, on top of him. (Rrrawr!) Imagine being able to turn a man on at will.
You can be, and you SHOULD be!

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