A truck laden with cement, belonging to Dangote factory on Thursday crushed seven people including a couple to death at Ibese in Yewa North local government area of Ogun state. The accident which involved three trucks of the cement company forced the Commissioner of Police, Ikemefuna Okoye to move to the area in a bid to reduce tension in the area following an outbreak of pandemonium that led to the death of a trailer motor boy and burning of three Dangote trucks. The couple who were crushed to death while on a motorcycle, it was learnt, had fixed today (Saturday) for their wedding ceremony before the unfortunate incident. The Unit Commander of Itori Federal Road Safety Corps, Fatai Bakare while confirming the incident yesterday, blamed the accident on the recklessness of the truck drivers. According to him, six of the victims were on two motorbikes before they were crushed by the trailer. And that the bodies of the deceased had been deposited at the Ilaro general hospital morgue.“It was an accident involving three trucks belonging to DANGOTE Cement Company but before members of the FRSC got to the scene, the number plates of the trucks were already removed. Seven people died in the accident (6 males and 1 female) including a husband and wife on a bike.”
The Ogun State Police Command also confirmed the accident. Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Muyiwa Adejobi said; “Ogun State police command has drafted over 50 policemen which included both mobile and conventional policemen to maintain law and order in the area.” The Head, Corporate Communications of DANGOTE Cement, Anthony Chiejina, however denied that the trailers that crushed the victims belong to the cement company
Mackson Okotie
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